Friday, November 12, 2010

Presenting a Reflection

Who knew that the soft side of 
micro would bring something so 
Legendarily extra to the Ordinary
People in the Valley of Fashion?
 That the ever changing consumer
community could consider, clap, and
cheer at such an iconic champion.

It was an honor to see you at that 
porcelain piano.  To ponder at the bearings
behind your brilliant smile.
To feel the resolve ringing through and 
rippling from your rich rhythmic voice. 

I Used to [Hate] U.  In 2004, I chose a 
rickety lifestyle of reggaeton over roots.
Within time P.ain D.eclined A.s destructive 
love detonated and real love radared.

A perfectly purposeful playing of your 
soulful song screamed to me to Wake
Up.  My dream finally realized gave 
me the Green Light to discover a me
that I didn't know existed. 

I graciously thank your for reminding me
that June 25th can never mark the
death of Music. Just.  A Hero whom 
I never got to meet.  Please, always 
Save Room for your admirers.